Click publication to view selected essay or letter or podcast
New England Journal of Medicine
Dr Rickert discusses the recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision requiring surgeons to obtain consent on their surgical patients. Letter to the Editor. 10/2018
Dr Rickert discusses the best solution to the pernicious problem of surprise medical billing.
Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research
Dr Rickert and colleagues discuss in more detail the importance of surgeons' active and personal participation in the informed consent process. 10/2018
CBS This Morning
Dr. Rickert appears on the CBS News Morning Show on Dec 8, 2016 to discuss the Senate Finance Committee report asking surgeons to better inform patients in the event of simultaneous surgery. 12/2016
Dr. Rickert discusses the necessity of preserving, and even expanding, the Sunshine Act.
Health Affairs Blog
Discussion of a patient centered approach to simultaneous surgery
Health Literacy Out Loud
Podcast with Dr. Rickert about discussing financial concerns with your doctor, including conflict of interest worries. 12/2015
Podcast with Dr. Rickert discussing the SPCO Choosing Wisely list and other matters. 10/2015
Health Affairs Blog
Article discusses an innovative patient centered preauthorization for total joint replacements developed by Blue Shield of CA in collaboration with the SPCO
Health Affairs Blog
Article discusses how physician conflicts of interest can impact patient care. 4/2015
Health Affairs Blog
Article discusses the difference in how patients and their doctors view outcomes. 5/2014
Health Affairs Blog
Article co-written discussing problems with the 21st Century Cares Act as currently written 9/22015
How Patient Centered Care is Changing Orthopedics 2/2014
Feature article reviewing patient centered care and its impact on medical care across the globe.
What Apple Can Teach Healthcare about Thinking Different 3/2013
Essay discussing the great importance of physician empathy and lessons we can learn from Apple's tremendous success.
Archives of Internal Medicine
Vignette describing themes involved in patient centered care. 7/2012
Health Affairs Blog
Discusses Patient Centered Care. 1/24/2012
Health Affairs Blog
Discusses physician payment reform 10/2012
Health Affairs Blog 7/29/2011
Discusses health care reform and physicians' duty to improve our system for the good of our patients.
New York Times
Letter discussing medical decision making and financial conflicts of interest. 11/2014
New York Times
Letter discussing physician payment reform 9/2013
Health Affairs Blog 9/7/2011
Discusses physician payment reform.
New England Journal of Medicine 10/1/2009
Letter discussing disparities in incomes between specialists and the effect this has on our system.
Health Affairs January 2012
Letter discussing surgical utilization rates.
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery 5/2009
Discusses Medicare's financial crisis.
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery 3/2009
Compares today's orthopedic reimbursement to historical averages.
New York Times 1/30/2012
Letter discussing the necessity of healthcare reform.
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery 9/2007
Letter discussing compassionate care
New York Times 12/9/10
Letter regarding physicians' duty to their patients.
The New Yorker Magazine 1/10/2010
Letter discussing cost-control measure in health care reform
New York Times 12/28/09
Letter regarding marketing by health care providers.
New York Times 7/16/2009
Letter regarding physician payment reform.
New York Times 6/14/2009
Letter regarding physician payment reform.
Barrons Magazine 11/20/2010 (truncated by editors)
Essay discussing the great importance of physician empathy and lessons we can learn from Apple's tremendous success.
Archives of Internal Medicine
Vignette describing themes involved in patient centered care. 7/2012
Health Affairs Blog
Discusses Patient Centered Care. 1/24/2012
Health Affairs Blog
Discusses physician payment reform 10/2012
Health Affairs Blog 7/29/2011
Discusses health care reform and physicians' duty to improve our system for the good of our patients.
New York Times
Letter discussing medical decision making and financial conflicts of interest. 11/2014
New York Times
Letter discussing physician payment reform 9/2013
Health Affairs Blog 9/7/2011
Discusses physician payment reform.
New England Journal of Medicine 10/1/2009
Letter discussing disparities in incomes between specialists and the effect this has on our system.
Health Affairs January 2012
Letter discussing surgical utilization rates.
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery 5/2009
Discusses Medicare's financial crisis.
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery 3/2009
Compares today's orthopedic reimbursement to historical averages.
New York Times 1/30/2012
Letter discussing the necessity of healthcare reform.
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery 9/2007
Letter discussing compassionate care
New York Times 12/9/10
Letter regarding physicians' duty to their patients.
The New Yorker Magazine 1/10/2010
Letter discussing cost-control measure in health care reform
New York Times 12/28/09
Letter regarding marketing by health care providers.
New York Times 7/16/2009
Letter regarding physician payment reform.
New York Times 6/14/2009
Letter regarding physician payment reform.
Barrons Magazine 11/20/2010 (truncated by editors)
God's bodkin, man, much better! Use every man after his desert, and who shall [e]scape whipping? Use them after your own honor and dignity. The less they deserve, the more merit is in your bounty. Hamlet II, ii